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Salt baths have been used for centuries for spiritual hygiene (with the ocean being the original salt bath!) and can be a powerful support for anyone who needs to clear out stuck energy that doesn't belong to them.


With these ritual salt bath blends, you can harness the clearing + supportive properties of sea salt, botanical allies, earth minerals, and water; allowing them to assist you in releasing all energy that isn’t yours and allowing it to leave you energetically unblocked + realigned as it exits through the drain.


One salt bath bag makes:

2 light clearing baths

(ex: when you need to clear energy from a rough day)

or 1 full energetic clearing bath

(ex: exorcism style support needed)


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1.) Fill your tub with warm water, leaving enough room so you can submerge as much of your body as possible.


2.) Stir in the salt blend until it dissolves (you can add the included crystal as well!)


3.) Climb in and submerge as much as possible (nothing needs to be fully covered). If you're comfortable with submerging part of your head, too, rad. If not, no worries.


While being held by the water, salt, and other supports, scan your body for what you're releasing and try utilizing a prayer/spell/mantra to assist.


A suggestion might be:

“I release all energy that isn’t mine.

I send it back to the person it came from or into the earth to be recycled.

So be it, so it is.”

(Each bath comes with a prayer/spell/mantra, printed on the back label and is specific to the chosen intention.)


4.) Scan your body for energy/tension/blockages and let it exit you; imagine it seeping out of you, into the water, and letting the salt, plants, and minerals absorb all of it for you.


Repeat this as many times as you need for as long as you like. You’ll know when you’re done.


5.) When you feel ready, drain the tub - letting all of the shit you released go down the drain with the salt and water, leaving you only with the energy that is yours.

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